Boiler Access System

Our system allows the installation and disassembly to be three times faster and weighs 80% lighter than the existing system (Tube & Coupler). Thus, it will minimize labor costs and maintenance time. It will result in more profits due to immediate awakened boiler or less losses caused by the long process of boiler system shutdown.

When using the traditional system, it requires installation and disassembly in 10-11 days. In this way, down time cost can reach billions of Rupiah per day, depending on how much capacity of the power plant itself.

As a company with more than 65 years of experience in the field of access provider, we use aluminium from all over the world. Here, Instant UpRight comes to conquer the challenge.

Currently, more than 100 power plants around the globe are aware of this. Many has switched to Instant UpRight products for their boiler access.

Some projects have been done in various countries, such as in Germany, Italy, Hungary, China, Thailand, India, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Australia.